==================================================================================== WELCOME TO INTERNET ARCHIVE https://archive.org/v2 NEW WEBSITE! HERE IS THE LIST OF THE MOST RECENT CHANGES, FEATURES ADDED, BUG FIXES, AND MORE. --================================================================================-- [4/15/17, 10:40:27 PM] tracey: [Playlists of Items upcoming Feature]: Pulling never-went-live david-era/prototype "collection preview" feature and code -- our new "playset" is _WAY_ better and simpler! Better "autoplay" detection for /details/ pages (fixing a less common case where a specific track is selected _and_ "&autoplay=1" is set -- should autoplay in that scenario). Switching Playset from static methods to (mostly) instance methods. When in playlist/playset mode -- bug fix for playing all tracks in item _before_ we move on to next item (and this _also_ respects the less-common "only play X tracks in playlist and then stop" items feature, too). Only show playset/playlist when item /details/ page is _in_ the playset/playlist. [4/13/17, 8:14:39 PM] tracey: [TV] moved TV-specific graphing to standard archive graphing. corrected all time-based X axis graphs to use UTC-based calcs for datetime x-axis entries. extended graphing JS to allow for caller to customize some tooltip config. left-align (dont center) x-axis labels -- in certain scenarios they go 100% wrong and "off by one" (!) when center-ing them -- so stick w/ default "left align" [2/5/17, 9:02:25 AM] tracey: audio /details/ items with 2+ track will now change urls and tracks change in player (EC-145). (re)loading browser with that url will select track in player (but not autoplay) (EC-146). cleaner A/V player setup on page ready. pulled "startPlaylistIdx" from "Play()" JS call and config/params -- moved file/track specific logic/checking to JS for safest special file char encode/decode. using phantomJS for new full integration very extensive testing of 10 /details/ and /embed/ cases. [8/25/15, 7:07:43 AM] tracey: [collection pages] fix for deleting a favorite or user list item when the entry has a "media" element or is a "saved search" or similar. (fix is to use the list/entry most recent "updatedate" to uniquely identify it during removal) [8/13/15, 10:36:07 PM] tracey: [accessibility] [collection pages] now the "lists" -v- "tiles" toggle is keyboard TAB-able and otherwise accessible. (fixes WEBDEV-441) [8/13/15, 9:13:45 PM] tracey: [accessibility on collection pages] make it so for tiles mode, the item image and title are the same tag (and not two tags). better for keyboard TAB-ing and such! thanks for the poke, kelsey! (fixes WEBDEV-440) [6/12/15, 10:43:23 PM] tracey: [details pages] made A/V player playlist accessible (by converting div with onclick badness to div w/ wrapped elements) [5/29/15, 5:26:32 AM] tracey: bug fix for infinite scrolling down and then entering search in "Search this Collection" (need to remove the "&page=.." arg!) [5/27/15, 9:03:14 PM] tracey: user uploaded/original .djvu files will now show up (via the /stream/ alternate to kick-in applet browser viewer [5/13/15, 12:16:14 AM] tracey: got printing pages working (bugfix) [5/12/15, 10:42:44 PM] tracey: for /embed/ items (offsite embeds of A/V from archive), respond to mobile orientation changes. also throttle browser on browser resizes less, too [5/11/15, 11:03:53 PM] tracey: [DOWNLOAD OPTIONS] add tooltip with filesize for formats with just 1 file, to let user know how big that file will be [5/5/15, 10:08:44 PM] tracey: [details pages] IFF item only has JPEG Thumb(s) (eg: item only has TIFF original(s), say), show the JPEG Thumb(s) in the "carousel"/theatre area [5/5/15, 9:23:02 PM] tracey: [etree] added missing "DeadLists Project" link on /details/ pages [4/28/15, 7:37:23 PM] tracey: make it so any user can now customize their account with a custom image (previously required user item to exist -- now we detect if missing and make on-the-fly first) [4/24/15, 9:23:35 PM] tracey: [account pages] per alexis, removing "New Collection" button/tile (though it *IS* coming in the future, rest assured! 8-) [4/24/15, 18:40:37 PM] tracey: safari fix to make emulated software work (CORS blocking issue fix) [4/22/15, 8:47:37 PM] tracey: signal/language change -- now "beta (site)" is becoming "new (site)" [4/21/15, 12:03:53 AM] tracey: updated the "beta / v2" tutorial video (found in the BETA nav button) to latest version [4/20/15, 10:01:13 PM] tracey: [software emulation] minor fix for IE and possibly others, to ensure the javascript "promise" JS file is loaded first [4/16/15, 7:06:09 AM] tracey: ["item dir listing" pages]: Make the
 area *not* wrap/break lines -- so if too narrow a viewport, client scrolls left-right.
Ensure background covers the file listing line with the max width.
For xs/width, drop fontsize to help

[4/14/15, 6:23:47 PM] tracey:
[item /details/ pages] new [DOWNLOAD OPTIONS] area:
* Formats with 2+ files in them now accordian open a subfolder of single file options to choose from.
* All files of a given format can still be downloaded as a single zip in the "subfolder" view (upper right "pill" link).
* At bottom of [DOWNLOAD OPTIONS] are also links to: entire item (as zip) and just original/metadata files (as zip).
* New "raw directory listing" style link to show all files which can be found with new "SHOW ALL" bottom link.

[4/13/15, 5:04:38 PM] tracey:
software emulation updates from Dan Brooks

[4/11/15, 2:50:01 AM] tracey:
[nav] touch devices wider than "xs" typical phone width, like iPad/tablets, now show the nav "hamburger" and dropdown
for About Contact Blog Projects Donate Help Terms Jobs Volunteer People

[4/10/15, 10:48:45 PM] tracey:
LISTS mode: now xs/sm width (mobile/tablet typically) get new a new "table header row" on top of each column explaining what each column is below

[4/10/15, 3:19:01 AM] tracey:
item /details/ pages -- widen right column (from 3/12th of the avail width to 4/12th) per david

[4/7/15, 7:20:44 PM] tracey:
[software emulation] per jason, make the un/mute click alert be more descriptive/actual

[4/7/15, 12:21:26 AM] tracey:
[search results] since our users are not easily finding the "Show as list" button, default to "LISTS" and "SHOW DETAILS" (text) not "TILES" (imagery).
(And once a user decides they prefer TILES or LISTS but not SHOW DETAILS, we will cookie their preference as always).

[4/6/15, 9:58:13 PM] tracey:
if javascript disabled, make [Next Page] button show up at bottom of item list/tile pages

[4/6/15, 9:12:27 PM] tracey:
[image carousel] bug fix for rotated imagery.
now respect JPG EXIF rotation (metadata) tags, and insert CSS rotation rules to rotate img src in the browser as appropriate

[4/3/15, 10:01:47 PM] tracey:
added new link/image to "TUTORIAL VIDEO" to the (BETA) modal/dropdown

[4/3/15, 4:03:15 AM] tracey:
S/W emulation (JSMESS and DOSBox) updates from volunteer Dan Brooks!
* DosBox can find its config file.
* Scaling works the same as it used to (still not very sophisticated, but good enough for now).
* Splash screen has more feedback about the downloads now.

[4/2/15, 7:53:15 PM] tracey:
[account pages, favorited account tiles]:
now if a user does not have an IA-specific custom picture,
we "fallback" to wayback machine most recent crawl of gravatar.com related image for that user account

[4/2/15, 7:25:59 AM] tracey:
[favorites lists] bug fixes:  remove rare but possible duplicate entries.  bug fixes to DATE FAVORITED order being wrong at times.

[4/1/15, 11:50:04 PM] tracey:
[tiles mode (search, collection, account pages)]:
now slightly reorder tiles when nonuniform heights so we stay more sorted (and sorted as possible) (left-to-right, across columns)
and we dont wind up with some columns going much longer than others

[3/31/15, 7:07:15 PM] tracey:
[sort and collections pages]
if a user winds up loading an url with a page number in it, eg:
now a [Prior Page] button appears at the top

[3/30/15, 11:28:29 PM] tracey:
[LISTS and TILES]: all items now show tooltip with full  tag info, including when 2+  fields in item.

[3/30/15, 10:06:38 PM] tracey:
[collection and search pages] once you first sort by TITLE or CREATOR,
now you get [ A B C .. Z ] ability to limit to just titles/creators starting with those letters
(similar to "classic" site for collection pages).
This should help a lot of our oldtimeradio avid and fantastic community, especially

[3/27/15, 11:29:31 PM] tracey:

[search and collection page] bug fixes:
Clicking on a facet link should not persist any page arg.  Bug report verbatim from kind user feedback was:
If I scroll down a few pages in results, then click a topic link, it keeps the "page" parameter in the url, so if Im starting from page 7 and the topic only has 3 pages of results, it tells me "No results matched your criteria." since its trying to get page 7 of a list with only 3 pages.
bug #2 -- make sure 2+ "and[]" args persist and "stick with you" as you browse -- only the first was persisting!

[3/27/15, 2:42:19 AM] tracey:
Minor text gray color gradation changes (dark, easier to read) per david and user feedback.
HOT FIX!  was only showing 1st topic/subject, not *all* (tracey bad and goes down with that ship!)
A bit more row padding per david.

[3/26/15, 12:50:19 AM] tracey:
[search and collection pages]:
Now browser urls change if/as you inifinite scroll -- and can be bookmarked and will load with the most recently seen page of results.
Example: https://archive.org/details/oldtimeradio?&sort=titleSorter&page=10
Slightly more efficient/quicker on infinite scroll pages on server end -- dont need to waste time computing facets.

[3/25/15, 8:36:56 AM] tracey:
[LISTS] cosmetic fix for displaying "long" TITLE and CREATOR values for narrow widths.
Avoid overrunning viewport width, and now have smooth CSS only (no JS) row handling as slide down to minimal browser/viewport widths

[3/24/15, 10:55:11 PM] tracey:
Now we make sure the rows dont have extra visual whitespace in some of them (much simpler markup/CSS model!)
MAJOR IMPROVEMENT -- for folks w/o JavaScript enabled
now we default to LISTS + SHOW DETAILS mode for all pages.  we *then* use JS (when enabled) to check cookies and reset page look to TILES or to w/o SHOW DETAILS appropriately.
This fixes issue w/ new people coming w/o JS enabled and seeing blank pages.
It also helps the "no cookies" experience a bit -- always defaulting to LISTS + SHOW DETAILS mode in cases of no cookies, etc.

[3/21/15, 11:10:12 PM] tracey:
========================  MAJOR archive v2.1 RELEASE  ============================

[collection pages]:
Major update to how Tabs (eg: [About] [Collection] [Forum]) are done.
Now we use/cause CGI-arg changes (not hash/anchors) -- for modern browsers it is dynamic and not a full page load, too!
This allows users to bookmark any wanted Tab to be opened on page load, on browser "back" and "fwd", etc.
So for example, you can now sort and/or infin scroll to some result set in [Collection] tab,
then click on [Forum] tab, then click browser , and you are exactly where you were for modern browsers.
(More like this coming in future for sort/facet changes and only reloading parts of pages instead of full page load).
Now send clients only set of items they are seeing -- should be a bit faster/less playload and less CSS/JS load.
(previously sent all four sets for prior 4 "SORT BY" options, and used JS to toggle unhide whichever sort was wanted).

[details pages]:
Items with 2+  fields now show all in the main "by ..." section under item title.
Renamed [Download] (as a button) to a label [Download options].
Now we always open the [Download] button formats area.
Now show "TORRENT" format in the [Download] button area quick access.

[search pages, collection pages]:
BIG expansion of "SORT BY" options!
All sorts now have *reverse* sort option/new toggle. (left of "SORT BY")
Dates showin in "lists mode" are now properly that of the default DATE* "SORT BY" kind showing (including bug fix for DATE REVIEWED).
"SORT BY" DATE* hover is new "tooltip"-like "blue submarine" 3-option picker.
Search results can now SORT BY "Date Reviewed" (for most recently review items).
collection pages can now SORT BY 3 kinds of DATES (up from 1): DATE ARCHIVED | DATE PUBLISHED | DATE REVIEWED.

tooltips for "lists" -v- "tiles/images" modes toggle (to help w/ visibility and rare font glyph issues).

[old time radio]:
by request!  now no longer auto-advance to next episode when an episode finishes.

[favorites lists; account pages]:
bug fix (internally) for some users to allow them to edit their favorite/account item: title/description/image.

[lists mode]:
fix for page2+ across all "infinite scroll" kinds of pages -- was loading imagery in those cases,
now it is the more ideal "on demand" (ie: only when a user switches back to "tiles"/imagery mode)

========================  MAJOR archive v2.1 RELEASE  ============================

[3/17/15, 9:57:15 PM] tracey:
bug fix for "Search this Collection" (from user fback).  if 0 results, still show the "Search this Collection" on right side.
eg: https://archive.org/details/softwarelibrary_msdos_games?and[]=carmen+sandiago+no+results

[3/17/15, 12:39:02 AM] tracey:
[details etree pages] per etree f/back -- adding back in "check for other copies" near top of metadata right next to "Published" date

[3/16/15, 6:15:12 PM] tracey:
[details audio pages] by feedback request!  added back in "choose flash -v- html5" toggle on right side of audio

[3/16/15, 5:44:17 PM] tracey:
[details pages] for "Stream Only" type shows (eg: GratefulDead soundboards), added missing "stream M3U" link(s) -- thanks user "captainhits" for the forum post clue-in!

[3/15/15, 8:08:04 PM] tracey:
[collection pages]
Move all podcasts collections (and subcollections) (mostly audio) to sort by DATE not DATE ARCHIVED.
Similarly, move all /details/community_media subcollections to sort by DATE not DATE ARCHIVED.
For each such collection, make the default "SORT BY" be "DATE" not "VIEWS".
(all from user feedback!)

[3/15/15, 9:18:04 AM] tracey:
[details pages] if [DOWNLOAD] button is near bottom, gently scroll down on click slightly to try to ensure the file dropdown is seen.
[search, collection, account pages] when in "SHOW DETAILS" + "lists" mode, show the *entire* title.
Show up to 500 chars of description now in that mode!
(also make infinite scroll trigger slightly higher/earlier).

[3/15/15, 3:59:28 AM] tracey:
JSMESS/DOSBOX unification from Dan Brooks!  some minor cosmetic glitches remain but has a lot of improvements already, including parallel downloading of JS and load progress screen and better start/splash imagery, etc.

[3/14/15, 9:38:50 PM] tracey:
[search, collection and account pages]  in "SHOW DETAILS" and "lists" mode, now:
  - show SOURCE field (especially for you, etree!)
  - boost total "topics" max chars from 50 to 100
  - boost total "description" max chars from 140 to 500 (to be same as non-beta website!)
  - added "average rating" and "number reviews" (to be same as non-beta website!)
  - the details "row height" model is now flexible based upon the total number of lines, chars/line, and browser width (trying to avoid *too* much whitespace at bottom of each row)

[3/14/15, 6:47:04 PM] tracey:
[software emulation] made hiding the "virtual keyboard" (INSERT COIN, etc.) hide/x work again.
Complete JS redo coming from Dan Brooks, nearly there, flicked on for devboxes (fullscreen working in that pathway now, too).

[search results, collections, accounts] Setup for experimental *MORE* details to "SHOW DETAILS" on devboxes

[3/14/15, 3:09:40 AM] tracey:
minor "ikind" (sortbar (VIEWS | DATE | TITLE ..) clickables) and "tabby" (top tabs (COLLECTION | ABOUT | FORUM ..) font/color/staying visual stationary updates

[3/13/15, 6:57:17 PM] tracey:
[texts details paes] added missing link to the "FULL TEXT" format to the "quick download" section
(which is *actually* "DJVU TXT" format.  if just 1 such file in item, it's a /stream/ link; else it's a zip).

[3/13/15, 5:58:22 AM] tracey:
Moved inline search markup into page and out of JS.
Made most of the nav links ensure always go/submit to https (even if coming from http page).
Now nav search bar auto-populates w/ any current search.
Now nav search bar reopens w/ any prior typed info if was closed and then reopened.
Now the about hover dropdown links can show up after a nav inline search was cancelled.

[3/13/15, 2:57:26 AM] tracey:
[favorites] now can remove collection items (without driving to collection item).
while, there, made it so in "lists" mode, only clicking blue link goes to collection, not anywhere in entire row

[3/13/15, 2:36:19 AM] tracey:
[favorites lists]  BUG FIXES:
* if user is in "lists" view, first switch to "tiles" view (since former dont work now).
* if user drains all items out of a favorites list, make sure we update our SearchEngine properly so some number of those items appear to still be present.  keep any DB sync-ed, too!

[3/13/15, 1:27:58 AM] tracey:
[search] bug fix for collection identifiers with uppercase chars.  "recase" them so the link to their /details/ pages is correct.
( eg: https://archive.org/search.php?query=cowboy%20junkies  rightside COLLECTION facet needs to point to /details/CowboyJunkies ).
thanks brewster (/boss 8-) for the find/report!

[3/12/15, 12:33:01 PM] tracey:
[audio items] give playlist more minimum height (120=>240) to help out items like those in "oldtimeradio" on mobile'

[3/12/15, 10:33:01 PM] tracey:

[video details pages]
bug fix for mozilla and fullscreen:
eg: 4:3 video in 16:9 display needs black bars and not peeking stuff from the /details/ page on the ends, etc.
(kinda speechless on what moz and/or jwplayer were thinking on that one.. 8-)

[search, collection pages, account pages]
*MAJOR REWORK* of tiles/lists and facets model so the "sortbar" (eg: sort by DATE | TITLE | VIEWS ..)
has left/right ends aligned with the left/right ends of the tiles/lists below. (cosmetic, but important!)
Make sure we do not overlap elements, dont get too close to page left/right ends (or occlude).

Now show 2 columns (not just 1) of tiles for narrow 320px widths (eg: iPhone portrait, etc.)

Facets are now pegged always to 200px wide instead of small amounts of width variance at all widths!
Facet "on" icons now better spaced and will not ever overlap tiles/lists.

If search engine is having problems responding, dont splatter warning/error lines all over display.

[3/12/15, 4:34:36 AM] tracey:
[nav] if logged in, put your screen name (possibly ellipsed) next to your account pic/generic person image

[3/12/15, 3:45:51 AM] tracey:
[item /details/ pages] make sure overall item title and reviews header left-hand icons space out all left column content identically, so theres always some left whitespace/gutter, per david.  for xs/mobile, make those two icons "inline" w/ their headers

[3/11/15, 6:39:42 PM] tracey:
[no cookies] if user has disabled cookies (but enabled javascript), now send them to page that explains how we need cookies to "stick" your "non-beta" preference (instead of "noop")

[3/10/15, 11:37:54 PM] tracey:
[collection pages] ensure imagery doesnt blow out left column

[3/10/15, 6:15:26 PM] tracey:
[android nav search] bug fix -- dont close nav "inline search" when user tries to start typing!

[3/9/15, 5:23:34 PM] tracey:
New navigation (icon/glyph only predominently) goes live to all!  (Was in A/B teting to 50/50 of users last week and performed better consistently)

[3/8/15, 8:39:17 PM] tracey:
[video, software, texts]: now make the "theatre controls" (to the right) be horizontally centered in the "black space", responding to software or browser size changes, orientation changes, etc.

[3/8/15, 5:06:49 AM] tracey:
now if client/browser appears to disable cookies, default to "lists" mode, not "tiles"

[3/8/15, 3:37:30 AM] tracey:
[search results] now clicking a "Collection" facet (right-side) will take you to the /details/[COLLECTION] page, with the search query prefilled

[3/8/15, 2:58:52 AM] tracey:
[video pages] dont show "related videos" dock/button -- just show "Related Videos" overlay (when applicable) at end of video/playlist

[3/7/15, 5:02:25 AM] tracey:
modals are 80% opacity now, not 100% (woo, thank you david for your patience!)

[3/6/15, 7:25:07 PM] tracey:
Item /details/ pages: now "metadata" and (texts) "Selected Metadata" is styled like topmost key/vals (Topics, etc.)
Item /details/ pages: right-side collection(s) imagery (circles) are 2x bigger in height/width now.
Item /details/ pages: moved "try flash/HTML5" from video/jwplayer area to right-side "theatre controls".
texts items: "Selected Metadata" is now a progressive disclosure slide-down.
texts items: Added "Pages" (and count value) to main metadata shown.
Nav: cosmetic tweaks to account dropdown.
Nav: cosmetic tweaks to collection lists.
Account: cosmetic tweaks to "Upload" and "Create New Collection" tiles.

[3/5/15, 11:26:46 PM] tracey:
for audio items, add in "intra-scrollbar" for when playlist would exceed the ideal "theatre" top/dark area (so we always have a little metadata showing below)

[3/5/15, 9:46:28 PM] tracey:
merged S/W emulation and texts "theatre controls" positioning JS methods.
MUCH more accurate now about vertically-centered controls placement.
Also make sure on orientation changes/resizes, S/W and books controls get repositioned.
fixed random JS bug with un/mute seen in a MSDOS item (possibly all now).

[3/5/15, 7:47:56 PM] tracey:
JSMESS/DOSBox: get right-side "theatre" controls more closely pegged to top and bottom right corners of emulation screenshot and gameplay

[3/5/15, 2:17:08 AM] tracey:
put nice CC license imagery on a license part-by-part basis

[3/5/15, 12:21:00 AM] tracey:
[lists and tiles mode] (for displaying items):  added title (browser) tooltips w/ full title of each item, per david

[3/4/15, 10:59:55 PM] tracey:
collection and account pages: for xs/mobile, turn "actions" area (eg: "Favorite" or "Share") to be just icons and right-side aligned

[3/4/15, 9:30:58 PM] tracey:
for mobile/narrow widths, hide facets in "portrait" mode (and show 1 column of centered tiles), but show facets in "landscape" mode (and show 1 or 2 columns of tiles w/ facets)

[3/3/15, 12:22:06 AM] tracey:
new nav account "quick access" dropdown for logged in users (to favorites, uploads, and more)

[3/2/15, 11:19:11 PM] tracey:
on top/home page, only hide "Advanced Search" list IFF non-touch device *and* JS is enabled.
 (otherwise it shows always; previously would only show if hovered near search)

[3/2/15, 8:46:09 PM] tracey:
beta feedback/exit form has new link to new blog post of "Whats New with v2" and the more detailed CHANGELOG.txt

[3/2/15, 8:33:10 PM] tracey:
Android devices now DEFAULT to "beta" site (they are allowed to exit back to "classic").

[3/2/15, 8:18:01 PM] tracey:
make it so 1/2 of our users see alternate navigation for the week for A/B testing.
Now anonymous users see "Sign In" next to the person icon

[2/27/15, 1:28:14 AM] tracey:
"Search this Collection" bug fix: since account pages can have 2 "Search this Collection" boxes, fix to make sure we submit and use the one that is active.

[2/26/15, 11:04:52 PM] tracey:
MOBILE iOS users now DEFAULT to "beta" site (they are allowed to exit back to "classic").

[2/24/15, 2:38:52 AM] tracey:
break long reviews with unbroken text that otherwise overflow container width.

[2/21/15, 7:33:00 PM] tracey:
per feedback, make "Rights" section in collection pages w/ naked newlines be linebreaks (like in non-beta).

[2/17/15, 6:23:59 PM] tracey:
Added tooltips to the main mediatype nav icons (to help users).
Detect if touch device (eg: mobile, tablet) and DONT show tooltips now.

[2/12/15, 8:44:09 AM] tracey:
[account pages]
user doesnt have to have account or be logged in to see *other* account pages.
  cleaned up right-side options/actions (for when looking at own -vs someone else account page)

[2/12/15, 4:52:41 AM] tracey:
[iOS users and search and account pages] for iOS (but not iPad, ie: iPhone/iPod), change default number of items shown from: 50 (search) and 100 (account pages) to: 25 results (per page)

[2/12/15, 4:38:00 AM] tracey:
changed "SHOW DESCRIPTION" checkbox to "SHOW DETAILS".
When picked, will show keywords (up to 50 characters worth) under description, too.
Enabling checkbox for xs/mobile, too.
Will help with user feedback for etree collections, especially.

[2/12/15, 2:39:37 PM] tracey:
item /v2 download "dirlisting":
  for items w/ logical "groups" of files, move original, then A/V playable derivs to the top within the group, and BOLD their formats.
  for items w/ multiple "tracks" (eg: concernts), subtle visual indicator to "group" files related to same track (eg: original and its derivatives).

[2/11/15, 8:39:37 PM] tracey:
for items with volumes, prepend "Vol N: " to the tiles/lists titles (search, collection, and account pages)

[2/10/15, 10:42:21 PM] tracey:
[iOS and collections] for iOS but not iPad (ie: iPhone/iPod), change default number of items shown from 75 to 25

[2/10/15, 6:45:58 PM] tracey:
MSDOS/JSMES: basic embedding supported now/again, but not full-featured yet

[2/10/15, 3:16:27 AM] tracey:
the [Stream Only] info on a /details/ page now looks less like a button

[2/10/15, 2:19:39 AM] tracey:
collection page descriptions:  if detect we overflowed the short visible top middle description, now show a little MORE button/link

[2/9/15, 8:06:25 AM] tracey:
make it so etree shows *always* show the tile/list entry title like: "DATE..VENUE..BAND" (and not "BAND..VENUE..DATE") for better browsing/search -- per feedback!

[2/8/15, 9:53:18 PM] tracey:
collection pages: the new [Activity] area in the [About] tab now shows clickable number of reviews and number of forum posts for the collection

[2/8/15, 12:09:02 AM] tracey:
Downloading files:
  [Download] button: (item /details/ pages) animation improved (and greatly simplified).  Better "SEE ALL FILES" visibility.

Collection pages:
  Total restructure of top area.  Description shown now *much* shorter, no images (for now).
  Any click opens new [About] tab, which immediately shows entire rich description.
  So no more [MORE | LESS] clicking/animations -- and no more ability to customize how much is shown first before MORE click.

  Now "Favorite" is proper simple click/link (and not dropdown option).

  Now feature_films, Comedy_Films, siggraph now date default sort on "DATE (created)" not "DATE ARCHIVED", per user feedback.

Collection pages [About] new tab:
  now replaces [Contributors] tab, incorporating list of collection contributors.
  Better setting off/framing of collection creator and create time.
  Nicely split 2-column layout w/ description and w/ rest of information and graphs.
  Graphs split cleanly into 2.
  Contributors order is now intentional, and each contributor is ideally set off w/ their own
  imagery "circle" (or anon person if no custom pic yet).

  [Rights] new are now added below description.
  *Especially* helpful/wanted for etree, but for all collections now, too.

  [Activity] placeholder, design nearly there and code will follow quickly! 8-)

  [Related Collections] moved the awkwardly placed relatively uncommon
   optional elements in _meta.xml of a collection
  to this new area (instead of prepending them to the default collection items sort area).
  (eg: https://archive.org/details/prelinger -- click About).

Account pages:
  [Uploads] tab now has new nice [Upload] custom tile, always pegged to top/left to make uploading easier to find/use.

Item pages:
  [In Collection]: now has nice circled imagery for parent collection above parent collection text.
  Now has *all* additional parent collections in a new "SHOW X MORE" nicely animated slide-down (similar to updated [Download] dropdown).

  Cosmetic bug fix to not show topics/keywords twice for texts items.

  Setup for david-udpated, icon-rich, cleaned up navbar (not live yet).

[2/4/15, 9:34:51 PM] tracey:
User Favorites:
making it so that user favorites collection/list items now default sort by "DATE FAVORITED"
(so users see their most-recently-favorited items first!)

[2/4/15, 9:25:23 PM] tracey:
iOS fixes:
fullscreen button on right side of item /details/ pages working now.
jwplayer on iOS cannot mute/unmute -- so pulled those buttons for audio/video pages.

[2/4/15, 4:11:02 AM] tracey:
new CHANGELOG.txt file and system (you're looking at it right now!),
complete with reasonable amounts of history and dates for prior changes, fixes, feature adds and so on.

[2/4/15, 4:11:02 AM] tracey:
new collection views count graphing system goes live!
/v2 collection pages "Contributor" tab now uses new system.
New system:
  - uses more reliable database as source for summing item view counts
  - no longer uses less reliable search engine as source
  - tracks *all* collections now
  - ported all prior flatfile (JSON/serialized PHP) data to new database table
  - fixed numerous overcounting issues
  - fixes/workarounds for items w/ nonideal metadata (eg: replicated  tags)
  - all 2015 data uses new system, so now [dec..jan] and [jan..feb] data is live
New system in extended version is also available at new permalink:

[2/4/15, 4:11:02 AM] tracey:
for item /details/ pages:
to help users find the [Download] button
make it so the footer is hidden until a "first scroll".

[1/30/15, 12:00:00 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
Knight Foundation announces /v2 as winner of $600,000 grant as part of
Knight News Challenge on Libraries:

[1/25/15, 8:57:54 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
v2 item details pages: the [Download] button now slides out with:
(1) if 2+ files share same format, the link is a zip (as it's been); but now if just 1 file is that format, it's direct file link.
(2) new M3U (on the fly) options if item has VBR MP3 or 64Kbps MP3

[1/23/15, 8:19:13 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
v2 bug fix for infin scroll (on search results pages)

[1/23/15, 11:06:06 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
v2 gets responsive graphs (for collection page "Contributors" tab;
and for new replacement collection downloads tracker page: https://archive.org/services/views/

[1/18/15, 11:11:23 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 - let's make a DATE!
most pages that have VIEWS - DATE - TITLE - CREATOR type sorters at the top have changed "DATE" to more precise "DATE ARCHIVED".
favorites lists changed to "DATE FAVORITED" and ordered that way by default (tricky!).
uber popular/gorgeous htts://archive.org/details/librivoxaudio  changed to "DATE REVIEWED" in its (custom) sorter.
etree bands and Democracy Now! collections sort by "DATE" (i.e.: item creation date, not publicdate).
fix for "DATE ARCHIVED" collection sort infin scrolling (bug went out ~friday))

[1/16/15, 10:26:51 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
3 fixes/improvements to msdos* from fab volunteer john vilk;
improvements under the hood to /v2 sorting tiles as well as some subtle changes to some DATE related fields
(eg: DATE ARCHIVED if its sorting by publicdate;  DATE if its sorting by creation date) on collection pages

[1/15/15, 2:05:45 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
major cleanup to archive analytics ( http://archive.org/includes/analytics.js ).
100% compatibility/identical to prior version

[1/14/15, 12:33:36 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
per discussion w/ jason scott, and explicit check and approval with john -- (for) now (at least) any "msdos" related item or collection page will ALWAYS shows up in /v2 style look, even if user is in v1.
(and they will be able to FEEDBACK (but not EXIT BETA on these pages, btw).  they can opt in/out of v2 for rest of site on other non-msdos pages.  rest of site, if they're in v1, will look like v2

[1/14/15, 11:36:06 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
software emulation fixes from volunteer john vilk;
drop "gamepad" icon (since its "coming soon") for software pages;
minor fixup of a few rare pages in terms of v1 -v- v2 counting)

[1/12/15, 11:28:52 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
etree band (collection) pages get year facets (right side).

[1/9/15, 4:53:37 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
joint braineh work with sam for expanded, better, and more accurate analytics for v1 and v2!

[1/9/15, 11:26:58 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
DOSBox emulation -- dont takeover keystrokes when outside emulation after playing (ie: allow someone to type-in to Nav search element, etc.)
another joint work w/ volunteer john vlik

[1/8/15, 8:57:27 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
software emulation (once playing) disable right-click context menu fix from fab volunteer john vilk

[1/8/15, 3:55:10 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
joint work w/ sam to get /v2 in/out tracking mo betta

[1/8/15, 11:56:03 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 workaround for drift in download counts between our 2 search engines -- so collections will be view count sorted as intended, etc.

[1/7/15, 7:55:04 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 kinda subtle, but needed.  if you are looking at tiles and they are sorted by a date field, instead of "by [CREATOR]" like normal, in that space you now see the date

[1/7/15, 5:05:38 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
forums can now be unsubscribed from, hooray!  (first time in 18 months, best i can tell (chuckle))

[1/6/15, 7:12:34 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
more CORS related fixing for software emulation.
good news is working w/ John Vilk, think we'll have IE and safari working nicely for dosbox and jsmess (again)...
IE and Safari work!  and jsmess again on them, too!
updated JSMESS and DOSBOX in parallel, so everyone should be happy.

[1/6/15, 4:50:35 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
some safari fixes (if DNT (Do Not Track) is set, etc. for msdos...

[1/6/15, 1:46:29 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2  -  squish in [EXIT BETA] and [FEEDBACK] buttons to avoid overlapping s/w fullscreen button.   BURN YOUR INTERNS!!

[1/6/15, 11:32:18 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 favorite-ing streamlined now (no option for pick one from many lists; no option to create new list).
single (star) in upper "theater" area of item /details/ pages now works.
or to quote w/o permission our Creative Director, uh, directly:
"and for heavens sake girl why are you leaving that favorites button up!! i'm aghast at your flagrant dismissal of order in the universe" :)

[1/6/15, 12:07:11 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
help for /v2 imagery serving and our very popular archive.org, thanks to jason, woo!

[1/5/15, 5:18:34 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
dosbox now un/mute works (when toggling, have to reload the page, like also have to in jsmess, but o/w working/parity

[1/5/15, 4:31:19 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 fix for dosbox -- to stay "in page" for emulation

[1/5/15, 1:11:35 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
cosmetic updates to /v2 top page, per david;  updates to donate page per kelsey

[1/2/15, 6:42:25 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 now has new [FEEDBACK] button in upper right, allowing users to give feedback w/o exiting /v2.
starting monday, 5% of /v1 users will start seeing "try beta" banner at top of /v1 pages.  upload button has moved to nav bar
( oh, also some "cookie wrangling" to avoid dupe cookies for "archive.org" and ".archive.org" and "www-XXX.archive.org", etc. )

[12/31/14, 1:28:31 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
minor updates to top/home page - colored mediatype icons w/ counts at top/center

[12/31/14, 11:55:38 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
quick minor terms of use sentence delete, per BK and alexis

[12/30/14, 2:25:12 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 updated home page -- look/info more similar to version from a few weeks ago, but with updated collection tiles

[12/30/14, 11:22:26 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
some minor improvements to /v2 for "collection tiles" imagery

[12/29/14, 2:15:03 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
updated Terms of Service (!)  (first time in 13+ years (party))
For those interested, shot of the diff and more details:

[12/19/14, 4:38:48 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2  fix for 0 results in advanced search in JSON (XML out was similarly broken).

[12/17/14, 9:52:11 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 major updates to the look and imagery for collection "tiles"

[12/15/14, 4:06:26 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2  now has wider imagery (and higher quality images) on top/home page)

[12/13/14, 3:12:50 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 - slight changes to home/top page; and better/more random picks plus more accurate scrolling for more results)

[12/12/14, 2:05:34 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
v1 and v2 donation banner and donate page updates from kelsey, woo (sun))
major speed improvements to /v2 for collection pages.
near complete remake/redesign of top/home page from david/tracey work.

[12/6/14, 6:13:42 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 SPEEDUPS!  /v2 now loads imagery *ON DEMAND* (only).
if client prefers new-this-week "lists" mode (instead of pinterest-y "tiles" mode (selectable in the updated "SORT BY" bar)) then
they download very little graphics/imagery now.
even in tiles mode, we only load imagery for the SORT BY last clicked/on-demand.
additionally, collections graphs (showing the collection's #items and downloads over time) are setup directly in page
(avoiding hit of slowness to "indexer" server and clunkiness of iframes)

[12/5/14, 1:45:39 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 major changes in "lists" mode, and the entire "sort bar" (sort results by DATE -v- TITLE -v- CREATOR, etc.)
give "lists" mode a shot!  it's gone from neglected alt view to full amazing design from david!  (sun))

[12/3/14, 12:08:27 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
major update to /v2 in "lists" (AKA nerd mode) when on a collection page - looks like a nice clean table now, per david design!

[12/3/14, 10:01:40 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
EOY donation banners going live...

[11/7/14, 11:49:03 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
bug fix for "search collection" collection item pages for user clicking facet -- "AND"-ed w/ the facet.
eg: https://archive.org/details/journals?and[]=mediatype%3A%22image%22

[11/7/14, 10:55:55 AM] Tracey Jaquith:
/v2 shout out to mike for reindexing all elasticsearch documents to get non-ASCII UTF-8 chars magnifique!  (sun)

[11/5/14, 8:38:28 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
cleaning up the nav
( Internet Arcade is now the "lead tile/widget" in /v2 if you click the Software main nav tab and look top left :) )

[11/5/14, 2:00:38 PM] Tracey Jaquith:
* there will be decently major cosmetic changes to "item tiles" looks, per marathon UI/user feedback updates from David that he and I did a big push over yesterday
* home page is decently updated -- esp. the "above the search/facets" area.
* collection pages (for now) lose the dynamic background coloring (hopefully will return but desaturated/hint/hue style instead of way it was before)

[10/28/14, 8:00:00 PM]
/v2 announced, prototype shown, at Internet Archive's annual Big Event "Building Libraries Together"

[6/15/14, 00:00:00 PM]
first end-to-end consistent prototype passes engineering and design minimum criteria

[3/1/14, 00:00:00 PM]
prototyping of /v2 designs begin in earnest

[1/1/14, 00:00:00 PM]
Planning and design begins for /v2 with a small team meeting weekly,
involving management, design and engineering

[9/3/2013, 00:00:00 PM]
Porting of base website architecture as proof-of-concept:
  CSS ==> LESS ( http://lesscss.org/ )
  handmade/inhouse CSS/JS ==> Bootstrap v2.0 (CSS/JS) ( http://getbootstrap.com/ )